Guiding overwhelmed millennials to reclaim their time and leverage their personal strengths, so that they can invest in what truly matters to them.

- Carolina | Founder of Be Well Simplify Life Coaching

Hi, there! Welcome ♡

I’m delighted you are here!

Maybe you are curious and passing by, or perhaps the following questions ring a bell and you would like to change something.

Do you feel overwhelmed, overcommitted, or overloaded?

Is prioritizing something you struggle with?

Do you sense a relentless pressure or compulsion to do everything?

Do you get involved in too many things at once and hold no healthy boundaries?

Do you want to relax more, recharge, reflect, or enjoy yourself but can't seem to find the time?

Do you want to add more meaning to your life while releasing limiting habits and beliefs that stop you from thriving?

If so, you are in the right place! And I am here to support you.

Sometimes life gets too busy, full of responsibilities, “to-do lists”, clutter, distractions and so much more. Things and time seem to own us and not the other way around. We feel overwhelmed, depleted, and without a sense of direction.

Even though we accomplish so much, we don’t feel fulfilled. We want to keep up, to be, and do more and we often disregard our joy and well-being.

I help overwhelmed millennials reclaim their time and leverage their personal strengths so that they can invest in what truly matters to them and wake up excited about their lives! 💪

Overwhelmed long to do list productivity coach

Imagine if you regain clarity about your current needs, priorities and goals. By making those clear it becomes easier to reconnect with your values and thus find a direction.

Two people engaged in a transformative coaching conversation, exploring personal growth and goal achievement.

With provided knowledge and effective tools tailored to your needs, you will be able to improve your time management skills, cultivate a resilient mindset, and optimize your daily routine.

By aligning your passions and core values with sustainable habits and intentional actions, you will move forward and succeed with more ease, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose.

If you choose to embark on this journey, I will guide and support you in reclaiming your time and energy back so that you can redirect it and intentionally invest it in what is most important to you, creating a life that you love.

Carolina Santos, coach and founder of Be Well Simplify Life Coaching.

Carolina Santos

Mindful Productivity & Strengths-Based Coach | Founder of Be Well Simplify Life Coaching

As your coach I will offer you guidance and support, assisting you in creating positive change that will serve your best interests leading to a more balanced, fulfilling, and joyous life. It’s also my job to provide accountability and empower you by sharing techniques to boost your self-confidence and self-awareness.

Only YOU have the power to create your own success.

And I will be supporting you every step of the way.

Ready to regain control of your time?

Schedule your free discovery call today!

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⏳ Mindful Productivity

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What people are saying:

If you haven’t yet work with a coach before, you might be wondering:

  • Currently, there are two primary ways to work with me:

    1) Clarity Boost Session
    Address your specific questions and receive focused support to improve your routine.
    This 90-minute session is designed for those who are looking for quick, practical advice or brainstorming ideas.
    With a low commitment of just one session, you can gain valuable insights and actionable strategies to simplify your life and maximize your time.

    2) Clarity Signature Package
    Designed to transform your perception of time and routine while regaining clarity and increasing productivity.
    100% Tailored to your needs, this program includes 10x 1-hour sessions, personalized assignments, ongoing support between, and concrete actionable steps that deliver tangible results.
    If you are ready to create real, sustainable change in your life, and increase your productivity and overall well-being, this is it.

    Both options provide valuable opportunities for personal growth and transformation. The choice between the 90-minute intensive session and the 10-week Package depends on your specific needs and goals. Rest assured, regardless of the option you choose, I am committed to providing you with a tailored and impactful coaching experience.

  • Well, the answer to this question will differ from coach to coach and depends on the issue at hand.
    I believe that by holding a safe space to share, powerful questioning, and providing the client with specific tools and exercises, the coach helps the client regain clarity about their current needs, goals, values, and intentions. At the same time, by actively listening and allowing the client to be seen and heard with compassion there is an opportunity to uncover and dissolve blockages such as un-updated beliefs, old habits, and past conditioning.

  • Holistic coaching focus on the “big picture” of the client’s being and life areas.
    Since all areas are connected, when one area is out of balance it has an overall impact on the person’s wellbeing. Holistic coaching assesses the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetical levels of being by seeing the whole person (instead of separate independent parts) along with external factors such as environment, relationships, career, and other life areas. It focuses on a person’s comprehensive well-being and growth promoting self-awareness, conscious choice, responsibility, and empowerment leading to a more balanced life.